Thursday, June 3, 2021

Time to LIVE like you were dying! JOIN us who are living and loving every minute of the time we have here!

I have shown this video and the gift is offers to countless potential bareback riders who have come to my program for healing. Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wisconsin has used bareback riding for 20 years to assist in the uplifting of humanity. Promoting healing through the partnership with Nature and her gift of the horse. First we raise you up to the eyes of an eagle on the back of a beautiful powerful loving horse. For some that is miracle enough, ask Roberto a former gang leader! The balance, then the harmony and then....FULL POWER are restored with our horses and you together learning to navigate the rocky shores of life here on Earth. I started with kids who had special needs, particularly those on the spectrum. I realized quite quickly that every one here has special needs, I certainly do. I opened my program. First to inner city kids, kids who should have been in jail, addicted adults, adults out of prison, water protectors, and minority humans who felt unseen and unloved. Next people with dis-ease, terminal or worse came too. Last weekend we included former military, with years of active duty in Iran and Afganistan, seeing what we should not have to see in the form of loss and destruction and death. NOW comes the rest of humanity to the invitation to experience that gift. Be inspired by this video, and then join us for a session. has the sign up and you will never forget your time with us. AHO! Dr. Su, the Hawk of Hawk's Ridge Ranch. Keeper of the flame.

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