Sunday, June 6, 2021

My first alternative health appointment...

was amazing! Her name was Joyce Reese. She was one of three in the upper midwest, and she became my life line. When we were done with the scan, she smiled at me. NOW I was suffering bad, my bladder on fire for 2 years. Incurable said my Urologist Dr. Steven Siegal, so I was hopeful yet wary. First remedy, Clematis, a Bach Flower for emotional stability. SHE SMILED and said, you dream of making the world a better place don't you? HOW On Earth did she KNOW that I wondered. SO I ASKED. Reading energy is what I do, and that is your reading for today. I flashed back to Kindergarden in Fargo ND. Our life was a storm, my wonderful father had died, new guy in the mix, marries my mom and moves us to North Dakota, and upside down we went. Luckily I got to go Kindergarden. I was happy and safe there among the children, and the Teacher, Miss Davenport, was amazing. I loved being the wake up Fairy after nap time. I got to do it often as napping wasn't my best work. I knew then just as I know today, it would come naturally to me no matter what I did in the lifetime. I am the first up in the morning, I am the first to say how I feel, and I am never patiently waiting for anything, I just do it! I wake up in my body three decades after that first scan, happy, healthy, lively and hopeful. Then I go to work. If you are in need of an alternative way of looking at your health, your lifestyles, your emotions, or even just the humanness of you. Find A NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR! I did, and it was so life changing and healing, I BECAME ONE!! tells the story, and let's you schedule a time with me. Namaste'

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