Thursday, November 19, 2020

YOUR allowance

In life we are given allowances. Some are financial, some are intellectual, some are energetic, some are relational. It is our chance to use what we are given to the highest benefit of our life. I have always had a little more than I needed. I knew I would live that way because there was a lack in other circustances of this lifetime I live growing up without my father here with me. I knew that I would be gifted with the opportunity to share those allowances with others, so I do that. Horses and health are my big ticket items. Then comes the time when alignment is offered. It occurs between the ages of 18 and 27. True alignment keeps us on the road, balanced, and smiling as we choose to live in the light with the allowance we already have. I have waited for an next alignment to the elder part of this lifetime. Then Mr. Banks came along, my grandson, and I felt the alignment present itself. KIDS!! I love kids, I want them safe, secure, encouraged and understood. I believe they deserve health and support and 2 parents involved all the days of their childhood. I see them shipped off, dropped out, left behind and told they are a burden way too many times. I have seen them hit, screamed at, drugged and told over and over they were in the way, too loud, too seeing of what was going on, too, too, too. The allowance we bring from the Stars, is light and love. KIDS have a ton of that allowance. To extinguish that fire is not in alignment with the Source who created us and loves us all the SAME!! TODAY use your full allowance to support an alignment that is true to YOU. If feels good. THEN you will appreciate!! That is the gift of the elders, appreciation for all that we have brought, learned and will leave behind.

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