Saturday, November 21, 2020

Use your favorite words

We all have FAVORITES. Flavors, tv shows, people, hobbies, and the list goes on and on. You also have a favorite or lucky number and letter. I like A's and L's and S's. So when I use the words I choose, they are favorites too. Love, light, luck, laughter, and LIVE and in person are a few of those words!!! The power of the WORD, the intention it is winged with and the direction it is pointed and shot at, is critical, in a good way, or it can be critical in a hurtful way too. I am a Sagittarius Sun and Moon, all day and all night I breathe fire, I ride horses, I shoot arrows. That is my truth, my astrology and my life here. LUCKY for us, I am Libra Rising. I love harmony, justice and balance and have made it my life's work. Find out WHO you are and WHY. Astrology is a favorite of mine. I use it in my life. Find your favorites, people, hobbies, career, friends, and make them a priorty in the favorites truths of your life and what you CHOOSE. Choose your life, and your words carefully, and only say what you would want said to YOU> ARE YOU YOUR FAVORITE WORD? I am Dr. Sioux/Su Anderson, and I am glad to be me and be here too. For those interested in a chart and chat, I am available, it is $100 and you keep the chart. A great gift!

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