Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The story of the story-teller

Jupiter in my chart gives me a larger perspective than others. It is my sun and moon, so nothing is ever behind me, neither day nor night. All things visible, all things seen and adored by me. Wierd, or lame, perfect or not, I love this planet and all that I see here/hear. SO then, I say what I see. As a child it made me annoying to those who didn't want to be scene/seen. And certainly not outed, by a sayer, a story-teller, a mere child. As a physician, and a teacher, it gives me a great way to share my vision and my version of what healing looks like, and what is missing, and what is messing things up. If you need a visionary story teller in your life, choose to know us. There/their/ they're are many ways to visit this beautiful ranch and healing center. Thehawc.com will outline them specifically and you can schedule ON-LINE, the time you need here/hear. Thanks for listening to our tales/tails, horse, puppy and kitty tales are just one part of the stories we have here! There is ALSO the TALES of YOU too, which are the best of all. And that's my story and I am sticking to it. Dr. Su, storyteller of Hawk's Ridge Ranch, Hudson, Wis.

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