Wednesday, November 18, 2020

DE - liver us from dis - ease please

If you can not fever in the face of illness, you will not get better. If you can not regulate your temper, you will not get better. If your pride is overbearing and intolerant, you will not get better. If you can not digest and purify your food, you will not get better. If you can not tie your own shoes because your body is too tight, or big, or sore, your liver needs attention now and until you can honor and heal that, you will not get better. This is the season to DE - LIVER your liver. Apples, carrots, good fats, lemons and grapefruits, there is a list of things to use from nature we can show you. I teach to FLUSH it. It is simple and super supportive to your over all health and immune response. I am here to help, and your liver is up for some super support for your de-liverance from all the threats of this world. Come for a consult, sign up for a class here, take a clay bath, and save your liver now. It loves you, and now this is your time to love it back. THE 1st BACH FLOWER NEEDED IS HOLLY, it relieves the need to be angry, and the belief you deserve your anger. All lessons are gifts, they promote your understanding of yourself and others. THE LIVER is a huge factor, and that is why you get big when it needs your attention. WHO ARE YOU MAD AT? THE liver knows. Join us for a de-liver the liver campaign. is us.

1 comment:

Jodilj said...

Love this! Thank you!