Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Own it

If you love it - own it. I love my health - SO I OWN IT. I love my work, - SO I OWN IT. I love my animals - SO I OWN THEM. When you own something, you take care of it. Your love and attention are fully required to maintain it. If you leave it, let it go so it can find another one to own it and care about it. Dumping it is allowing another to take ownership. To make something or someone my own, I must allow, align and appreciate that choice. ALL parts of ownership must be honored. Self - first, so Look like an owner, act like an owner, be as passionate and present as any owner can be. YOU MUST PRIORITIZE CARE and WELL FARE! IN the ownership of light, of love, of purpose, and a reason to be here on Earth at this time, celebrate the opportunity to be an owner of something so rare and precious.The gifts are every where, and someone has to own them, or they will disappear. OWN IT ALL NOW!!

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