Wednesday, February 19, 2020

What are you responsible for?

As a wellness coach, I help those willing to help themselves. A responsibility comes with the relationship. I am responsible to those who look for me to offer a truth. They are responsible for hearing/hereing the messages. Then accounting has to happen. Being accountable is now tougher to do as we have given the reins/rains over to those who control our insurances. A gamble in the highest sense of the word. I account to my Highest Good and the Higher Power that I hail from. It is a daily connection. I ask and am answered over and over again. I am a hopeful character who works in the healing arts, and for that I need support from a place not of this world. I am responsible to that calling, as I am accountable at the end of this lifetime to that same being. I embody that heavenly love here, and I use it to care for those who care to have it in their life. Decide, if you are not sure, talk it out over the fire with a peace pipe and tobacco. It will protect the conversation, that is what tobacco does. Responsibility is the gift offered to the grown ups, many need to grow up and show up now. You are not in this alone, and you are not going to be rescued by a responsible human, YOU are that HUMAN being the way YOU CHOOSE> Gamble on love, light, accountability, and know you were born capable of something worth doing. I do.

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