Thursday, February 6, 2020


when you were young, healthy, happy, whole. Some have no memory of those things. I get that. Being born into drama, or loss, or being undesired is common. It has a great impact on each one as they arrive alive. There are 9 months of no karmic connection begun in that beginning of life on earth. So still is the soul who must wait and watch and decide if this is what they came for. Believe it or not, you came here ON PURPOSE, WITH PURPOSE AND FOR A PURPOSE. Humble beginnings for some, entitled for others, purpose here is purpose period. No life goes un known, or un purposed. Tests, challenges and obstacles rule the world we live in. You are seen, and supported from above, and below. You are able from within and without. It takes a big look to find peace in this knowledge. Four directions of input and ultimately output too. Jesus said, teach others to fish, show them how, share the riches of this gift. Do not tell me, show me. We are being watched, we are the SHOW, remember that. AND it is because we are loved, remember that too. NOW show us what you got!!

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