Thursday, February 20, 2020

Tracking your heard/herd

Some families do not talk, so there is nothing heard/herd. It is sad and lonely for the children of these families. Legacy and sharing the gifts of such legacy help make sense/cents of who we are. To know why and how you are made is very balancing. I learned that much later in life, and totally under the influence of my own children. It gave me paws/pause. A grounded connection in all four directions. I am a child of the White Buffalo Legacy. I found that truth later in my experience, and it took me to a way of life here I could only dream of. No one verified my dreams as a child, although they were large and telling.
Descending through the Native American legacy made so much sense/cents for me. A doctor of nature, a horse lover, a wide open spaces human, and easily tanned were some of those genetics. Who is YOUR heard/herd? If you can not find them, dream of them. Ancestors love to talk to their family. Write the stories and songs that come through you. Paint the pictures and take the photographs that warm your heart. It will ground you, then balance you, then it will feed your soul. That's what I heard/herd in my dreams of the White Buffalo and yes, dreams DO come true!

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