Tuesday, February 4, 2020

inclusive caring heals the hole/whole

I have seen and been excluded. In time you learn to navigate that. I have heard/herd much of what EXCLUSIVE does. No one drip of water survives on it's own. In the sea/see, we all float together. Bouying one another up, keeping each other snug. It is the human's nature. It is the gift of living on the blue planet. If you are not included, you dry up and blow away. You will find a way to survive, yet it is a lonely existence. In my work I see what separation does. I see what criticism does. I see loss of the lonely, in energy and life force. In the wake of being excluded, humans get taken up and away from the light of love and inclusion. Kids need to be and feel included. Dumped off, left behind, limited in their secure space and time, get lonely. Babies who are lonely will cry. Children who are lonely will lie. Adults will give up on the TRY. And the world falls apart. Today find the excluded one, and say something nice. Give them a hand shake, a compliment, an invitation. It is up to us to identify those left out and left behind, and tell them they are just like us. Agree to disagree, because there is so much alike that the minor disagreements need to stay minimized. Together as one we will shift this lonely world, we need your inclusion, your gift, your presents/presence being wonderful. God made no mistakes, and if someone said that is not true, include them in your light and prove it~! Inclusive heals.

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