Saturday, January 25, 2020

What does your Rising sign offer?

I love the light, and standing beneath the sun, the moon and stars, and feeling where the light hits me is always inspiring. I share the natal charts of birth with people, so they have a structure of where navigating here on earth is best for them. I learned this long ago, and used this Gift from God, to light my way. Astrology was hidden from the masses in an attempt to rule them. Those in power had a vested interest in YOU not KNOWING too much. The religious leaders, the politicians and royals, became an elite group holding humans down and back for their own human version of sovereign rule. And humans wanted to be taken care of by someone in authority. In the gift of freewill, separation from authority was the challenge. The Creator offered a chance to be your own authority, and connect to things not of this world, but of the Universe. That scares some, it challenges others, and it inspires me. So today under the lights from above, I will endeavor to be the best Sagittarius Sun and Moon with a Libra Rising I can be. Know who you are, it is a gift and a human right! If you need my help, let me know and I will do your chart for you, 715-426-7350 and $25 is all it costs for pages of maps that are yours to use to navigate on earth in this lifetime. is our home. See you soon.

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