Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Trust hard or easy, look in the mirror please

I had people here yesterday for lots of different reasons. I see auras and I knew who to trust. ME! I know our children are in need of this trust training. They are being fooled way too often. Sometimes to the death. I use horses to help with that. A horse not trusting will take a time out, back away, and watch the scene. Or if it being pressured, it will fight or flee. If you trust your horse, it will take care of you. If you trust yourself, YOU will take care of you too. Smile at your day, and those who join in. Trust that the hair will go up on the back our your neck if you are being directed away. Trust THAT. If you can not back away for a minute, or get a dog, they do this very well, and will tell you every time, who to trust. Start with you and the mirror, see that you are trust worthy. Then see the rest us, hard or easy. You will know who to trust. It is up to each of us to develop this gift, NOW.

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