Sunday, November 20, 2016

Why you are here....when will you know???

As a child I constantly felt like I would never get there. Where ever there was. It could be an age, a date on the calendar, a holiday or a destination. I would sit in the middle seat in the back of our family station wagon and lean forward and ask again and again, HOW LONG?? HOW FAR?? HOW COME it takes so long?? Then I would dream of clicking my heels together or pushing on my nose, and hurry things along. In the reconnection of earth to heaven, we all wanted to hurry it along, or so I thought. Then I learned there were those here who wanted to keep us separate, for their use to dominate us and enslave our potential and energy. Then I remembered that I came here on purpose with a purpose. I have a heavenly galactic family cheering me on. I have a real reason for being in this body in this time. So do you. We do not exist in a random way, it all has a reason, a purpose, a geometry and a love energy that grows those things. It is now, we came for. It is TIME, it is HERE. IT IS YOU! And yes, me too. Do you and I'll do Su! Welcome to the end of that journey. New road ahead.

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