Saturday, November 26, 2016

A vision of healing

It can seem so large, so difficult, so not told to us. I struggle with other's views of less or lacking in vision particularly in view of health and wellness. I know now that it takes a dream to create a reality. A shift in thinking, lifestyle and perspective. I loved connect the dots as a kid. I have spent lifetimes connecting them. This is my crowning glory of those connections. I reviewed last night, the losses of the mothers I loved along the way, in a conversation with my daughter. I knew each one had come to their conclusion at exactly the right time for their personal ascension program. They delivered so much while they were alive here and continue to each day of remembering them. Our dots still connect, no matter where in the galaxy they are. We are so a part of a giant vision, and healing that sight/site of self is key. As I embark on the next leg of dots, I will share as I go. A book, time to write a book. AHV, Angel Hawk Visions is ready to be shared. Namaste' Dr. Su/Sioux

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