Thursday, November 10, 2016

Shape shift now

The stories of the shapeshifter are as old as time and as interesting too. Walking in and out of bodies of all kinds and looks, is a real gift of the meta-physician. A tool of the truth of more of the energy systems available. A life of pure energy incarnate and mobile and all seeing and being. My clients see me in the branches of a tree or high up on the street lights, as the HAWK. Then they call me with wonder and a wonderful feeling of being watched, guarded and loved by that HAWK, and by me too. Sometimes they will even ask me what I want, and why I am in their space. I know we all know in some way, shape or form, everything. Although some deny it, some just refuse to acknowledge it, some are scared and others say bring it. I have been helping them all for lifetimes as I grow here as a shapeshifting multidimensional being myself. It is in the text that Jesus too was a master shapeshifter, and only with the kiss of Judas could they recognize him for his capture to happen. Do your homework, look and see, we all change, all the time. Like the seasons that create the shifts of the Mother Gaia. Now decide your next form, rich or poor, young or old, healthy or sick, happy or sad. That is the basis for shifting, and it is a choice. I use it all the time, and that is why I am so happy and healthy and wealthy and wise, and have a life here still. I stay for the love of it, how about you?

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