Friday, April 30, 2010


Beltane, that's the name. It marks spring, opening to the fertility of the new beginning. Abundance is to be shared and this reminds us to open and ask for that blessing.

Also a little known fact is that marriages were given a day break on that day. Rings were removed and it was rethought. A person could also call a deadwood divorce and take a year and a day to review the marriage without any penalty. It also offered a greenwood marriage, a year and a day to try it out first. Now both of those ideas would save a lot of pain and bad relationships, not to mention a lot of attorney's fees. It was the Christian Church who banned this, do they get a cut of the legal costs? Humans are fallible. To think a marriage should last a lifetime in this world of freewill and stress, is to dream of heaven on earh. Could it happen? Sure I guess so, but I have never seen it, ever. My own life shows it not to be real. My mother's life was worse from my point of view. You have the right to commit in love to one another daily, and hopefully you can and do, but if you can't, take a deadwood divorce, a year and a day, and consider your life and your love, and use it for the highest good for you and everyone. Happy people never get sick or hurt, think about it!! Could save a lot of trouble!! HAPPY BELTANE, see you at our Drum Circle.

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