Friday, April 23, 2010

We can help these girls.

If you know anyone having an adverse effect to this or any other vaccination please have them get in touch with us. We can help, we have amazing technology and natural remedies designed to specifically clear the body of these toxic reactions. Do not let your children suffer any longer! The experimentation must stop with you, it is your choice. Protecting your child is your responsibility. We will soon begin to post videos that have our recovered clients and their stories.

A couple of years back a beautiful little 9 year old came to us, she had stopped pooping! Her parents had taken her to every medical professional they could find, with no answers. There is an admission of guilt and liability with a solution, so it is not in their best interest to help. She had had an adverse vaccination reaction and her system had energetically shifted, her thyroid being effected. With the remedies she began using she immediately, that very day, began pooping again and has never since had another issue. Look for her on an upcoming video. Thanks for listening. Dr. Su

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