Wednesday, April 14, 2010


The oneness, a feeling of fitting in, of being valued and useful, of being loved and able to love back without conditions or judgment. What a great philosophy. Can it really be a way of life here on this planet?

You tell me. Everyday you tell me. I hear from so many of you that you do not fit in, you do not feel well, or happy or optimistic or even able to get your butt out of bed. Wow, that is difficult.. We manifest so much in our frustration. Then we start to blame others or the weather or our food or our superiors or co-workers or our lack lack lack of what it is we think we don't have, and can't get. NONSENSE!

You all have all that you ever needed to be who and whatever it is you choose. Yes choose being the pivotal word here. Do you choose to smile first? CUZ IF YOU DO CHANCES ARE SOMEONE WILL SMILE BACK!!!! Or do you not. Eyes down, feet shuffling, body leaden and without life. So for today, please choose to smile at yourself in the mirror, practice! Then when you get where you are going try it out again on a human. I know how hard we sometimes think we have it, but more then that I truly know that it's all good. You are perfect under all the drama. Smile at that knowing. Know yourself, be yourself, for even if you think others don't like you or understand you, underneath it all everyone knows everything and everyone loves you too as a perfect creation of the Creator!! I love that and I love you, NAMASTE'

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