Friday, July 27, 2012

Use the summer to shift to real food now

Try to eat for just one month only food that has one ingredient - an apple or a hamburger for instance. Leave the boxes and cans and bags out of your diet for awhile and see how differently you feel. Take it a step further and make sure it is NON-GMO food. You may have to ask the store or the farmer. It is worth it. The nutrient density should be the MOST IMPORTANT factor in chosing food. GMO foods are nutrient LIGHT!!!! Hey calories with no energy or health - what a concept. Minerals are key to human development and growth - if you do not supplement them you are not receiving enough, our soils are depleted. My horses are free choice mineraled daily and the poop they drop is worth gold in it's mineral content. No drugs or any other chemicals here and minerals to boot, now that is how we fix our land and create food from healthy soil or terrain into humans with healthy terrain!

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