Wednesday, July 4, 2012

mercury in lakes??

So a little autistic kid went missing yesterday in Prescott Wisconsin, what does that have to do with mercury. An article in the Mpls Tribune tells how it screws up the brains and abilities of the birds and fish. Can't reproduce or worse, it does and doesn't care for it's young. See the correlation here? We are nature, she is us. If we do not take action to get this poison out of our world we will not have our world the way we want it. If you have it in your teeth you are going to get sick, mental and physical problems comes from mercury, and under a mercury filled light you will feel mercury flying through your neurology and pulsing into your brain . Headaches and fatigue and depression from malls and out buildings with those lights. Minerals are what you are made of - period. Use the right ones and be forever healthy, use the toxic ones and pay a price so high you can not recover. Say no to fillings with mercury, say no to lights with mercury, say no to shots with mercury, our future depends on this. Kids should never even go into a dental office where mercury has been, it will poison them! Autism is just one side effect, there are many more. This little boy does not need to be sick or lost. We did that by not standing up to the dentists and doctors and others who use mercury to make money. Your money! Your choice.

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