Monday, February 7, 2011

Step back to step forward

We have a habit. Take it by storm. Move ahead, push, push, push.

Bullying is how it feels to me. Being herded, pushed and pulled, having opinion sway the day. All of that occurs through tv, newspapers, and other large scale venues of information delivery. It comes from the outside.

What if just for today you believed your own intuition and followed your own heart?

Look at your own reality and keep what you like and discard the rest, no comparisons to anyone else's reality or day, just you and you alone.

I have always loved and desired beauty. In every way I see it has value and I measure things according to that standard. Not money or any other standard, just beauty. What an interesting insight to my life. I love art and music and most of all I love nature and her beauty, I love home and I love the way things look. I love order and I love flow, I know that is why I am a Naturopath, I see beauty in health. I feel comfortable in beautiful surroundings and not good in messy or toxic places. That includes relationships. Order and flow and calm and peace, generosity and love, understanding without judgement and feeling confident all the time is beautiful.

So let's step back and take a good long look before we move forward. We are creating our own reality and it is us and us alone who are doing this. Using drugs, alcohol, sex, money, loud talk, and mean words distorts my perception of beauty. Beauty for me comes from service, from laughter and from knowing it is my choice, it always was.

Today I choose beauty again, the angel that works in that area is Iofiel and her energy supports the flow and manifestation of beauty, call to her for her overview and aid, she is amazing. Namaste' Dr. Su

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