Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Is your heart strong?

Yesterday i saw a client with an ailing heart. He did not know that was his issue but it made sense once we spoke of it. I said what do you want most in life and he said time with his grandson, a beautiful new baby that his daughter had just had.

Now that is what I am talking about here. Love makes your heart strong, life makes it stressed. Desiring a strong heart filled with love and laughter is the first step to changing it. Many people as they age forget about their hearts. Really. It is the place of dreams and where spirit meets 3-d in form. It is the fertile valley of nursing a baby to life from a tiny tiny being to a walking and talking toddler. It is the place that pounds when you are in danger. It is the warmth of the spirit when it is noticed unexpectedly that creates the glow from within. It is your song. Personal and private and yet able to be shared. It can be like the lion filled with courage or it can be shattered like mine was when my first baby died.

Many of us are losing heart now with all the changes in this world. Money, relationships, careers, the list of heart changing issues goes on and on. Many people do not feel loved or respected, many others do not feel worthy. The heart is the entry place here and the escape hatch home. If you are feeling your heart in any way then there still is time.

Quietly and privately go into your heart and sit with it awhile. Ask it what it needs and what it's song is. Ask it to hum a few bars for you since many of us have forgotten the tune. We are each an instrument in the beautiful orchestra of life on earth, reveal yours now. If you do not know it or cannot remember it, join us for a meditation class on the 5th of march, it will help you uncover your authentic self and song. It's time now to be heard, loud and clear and in harmony!! We deserve our heart's desires!!

Details on thehawc.com, Please join me for a heart awakening. Namaste' Dr. Su

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