Friday, February 18, 2011

Wild Horses running free under the full moon!!

Yup, that's what happened at 12 last night, four of my twelve horses released themselves from their pen and were cruising the loop around my house under the bright light of the Leo Full Moon. Wow, what a beautiful sight and yet in my human way I got scared. Mostly because the ice at the barn is treacherous for horses and even life threatening.

I woke Tim and together we put them in a safe space without any issue at all.

Let me say, I see all life as a metaphor, like interpreting a dream, which I do daily. The Leo moon unleashed great power, and moons as we know, are all feminine energy. Horses are also power animals and four is that magical number of the meta physics of life, or the etheric, a place of half heaven and half earth all at once.
How cool to see that energy in true form in bright feminine light going full speed at exactly 12 midnight.

I say to you all, it's time, get your motors running, let's stop waiting and start proceeding toward all that we desire in the light and love of this world and all of it's beauty and abundance. No time like the present!! See yourself as one of those magnificent horses moving in the light of the night and the day, fearlessly showing the power and grace that we possess and must now demonstrate fully.

We are having a class on unleashing yourself on March 5th come on over and choose a horse from my herd to help you realize your true nature and your unlimited potential, it will energize you in every way, and what a great way to spend a Saturday. See ya then, check for details. Namaste' Dr. Su

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