Monday, February 7, 2011


I just expounded on beauty. I just want to add that speaking it into reality is really simple. Say the beautiful words you long to hear to those who want to hear them.

I heard voices at the airport, parents talking to children, people talking to strangers, some customers, some not, and friends talking to one another.

I heard beauty.

The flow of laughter, the nod of encouragement, the support of a compliment to a scared person. I sat by an elderly lady whose English was limited. She was going to visit her son in Reno. She had a beautiful ring and I pointed to it and smiled and said "Beautiful!!". She told me in her broken English that her son was a jeweler and that he had made it for her and she smiled, then she showed me photos of his family.

That was all we could say, but when I left, she gave me a big hug and a kiss and smiled again. Now that was BEAUTIFUL. It didn't take much, but it did require my attention and my vision and my courage to speak lovingly about something I saw as beautiful and soon found out was more beautiful then I knew, for it was love in a real sense created by her son for her, and my noticing it was beautiful to her. She loved my noticing and became my friend in that instant. Simple, free and very powerful. Try it today, for what comes back to you is beyond beautiful.

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