Friday, November 12, 2010

11-11 at 11:11

I love those numbers. I was lucky enough to be sitting in front of my computer when they all came up and the awareness of the greater scope was all I could feel.

New beginnings everywhere on every level.

The old ways disappearing as if they were just a flash in the pan, which they were.

The system designed to take not share evenly, gone.

The fear that somehow something is bad, wrong or broken, gone.

The separation of the threads of light and colour in the tapestry of Earth disappearing and fabric now showing it's beautiful intricate diversified designs.

The notes of the orchestra being heard together in harmony and symphony!!

We are all equal now, smart and beautiful, successful and healthy!! Those who can help will, those who need help, ask.

No more telling.

Listen and you will hear the voices of the children and the song of peace and unity they bring and sing!!

Thank you Creator for All that was and is and ever shall be. It is a wonderful day to be alive!! Dr. Su

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