Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The art of self care

As a child the focus of self care and accountability were with my Grandmother Susie, she liked and used natural remedies. My own mother wanted doctors and more doctors, drugs and surgery were on the agenda. It was chosen. So I got to see both choices up close. I chose self-care and well-care and natural care. I made it may career. It scares people to take their health into their own hands. They have been told that they are not adequate to manage it correctly. It gave others power over those choices. It became hard to say NO/KNOW. I do not want that, I cannot afford or understand that. Instead of saying, let me be with my own choices, my GOD and I are talking about it. Nature is willing to help. I am going to take some time to consider my future. My heart knows, it will show me the balance. Art is in the he-art and is the creative process of expression. Be YOUR ARTIST! Do your best work. If you don't like the result, burn it and start again. Erase it from your he-art. Only in your eyes/i's and the eyes of the source of love does it truly matter. Your art, your health, your life and how you express it is your power. THE HUMAN journey of growth on earth is learning to express pure he-art power and joy is brings.

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