Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Seeing through the barriers, the walls are now becoming transparent

To keep things and people separate kept them under the control of an over lord or even an over lady. To cull out one made them the target of loss of connection from thier mates. Masks are culling the heard/herd. Those afraid of connection are on their own now, alone and afraid, believing it is the only way. It used to be the punishment, now it is fairly normal. Accepted on so many levels and even paid for. The process of being drugged, poisoned, lied to and left behind the locked door is not our future here. You and I know better than that. It is simply not true that every drop in the water is not/knot part of the sea/see. No/know getting away from Universal truth now as it is here to stay. As you allow the love, the light and the laughter to create it's unified field, you will see through the blocks, the mandates, the criticisms, the losses, the isolation. Let it be! Mother Mary comes to those, who want to be let and loved. Let it in, let flow, and let it grow! AND THE WALLS COME TUMBLIN' DOWN!

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