Friday, May 17, 2024

Trauma PTSD

The dis-order creates the dis-ease and the ultimate distortion of the flow of energy. The flow that develops with the child creates the energy of the life force for as long as it exists here on the earth plane. Is the child scared, sad, hungry, cold, hit or yelled at??? Children are the foundation of the future. From the ages of 0 to 9, the feminine energy nurtures and supports the structure of the child. Roots are sent into the world to hold the little human steady. Fear and insecurity are managed by another being. The kidneys are formed. Clean sheets, nourishing food, play time, cuddle time, nap time, and exploring time are the corner stones of a healthy little kid. From 10 to 18 the masculine energy takes the child by the hand into the next steps of growth. Learning to shake a hand, look another in the eye, do chores, get responsibilty, complete a project, manage their own details, which becomes the next energy developed. An ego, a rational mind, a liver to filter out that which one should not absorb. Age 19 to 27 gives the being another time segment to braid together their own energy with the two taught in the childhood years. A heart is activated with the four chambers fully functioning with those anchored wisdom teeth sending energy. The deck of cards now is full and the game is ON. I watch and I scan the energy for a living. Teeth, organs, vertebrae, meridians, all checked for strength, balance and harmony. If you were taumatized along the way, that POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER WILL DO IT'S WORST to keep it's energy out of balance. That is where we come in, we do our best to support the understanding and knowledge of healing the whole human. Stress relief comes with the knowing, and the disorder rearranges it's distortions under the guidance of transparency and light and love. Nature shows the way. You can see it everyday if you know where to look. Your PTSD will fade from view, and the new you whole and happy will fill in. We all deserve to be free of stress. Start with the child you were, and have inside, yet to be healed, knowing you are worthy of the best life possible.

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