Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Carrying along with each of us are those memories of the soul's experiences. Some lose their/there access. My mother did at the conclusion of her life time last. I saw it and said, you do not need to do that if you do not want to, there are solutions. She said no thanks, I will leave it for Jesus. It was her time to let go. At the end she left quietly. Memories can inspire, can enchant, or they can cause the human to stay like a deer in the head lights, frozen in fear, with regrets, not wanting to remember. At the age of 40 I had hypnosis to remember smoking the first time, I had been assaulted and it became a protection, as only tobacco does. It then jettisoned me back to other lifetimes and those memories became a consciousness that I love and remember with great affection. Use the memories, they are yours. In the ONENESS we share our experiences so we do not need to repeat the ones with trauma. Lessons learned! Honest appraisal, caring and sharing the truths help us grow together. In teaching communion to his pals, Jesus, the Christed One, said clearly, do this at every meal to remember me and how much I love. What a great memory! LOVE the Creative Source of All That is, in light and a tool for humans to learn and grow with, with all the memories in place and accessible.

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