Saturday, February 3, 2024

Finding your personal "YES"

I raised athletes, strong performers. I was an athlete, still like to think I AM. Striving for the personal best, the win, the medal, was never the goal. It was always striving for the personal "YES". If you can not say without hesitation - Y E S, take your time out. Not as punishment but as an opportunity become THOUGHT FULL. In the thoughts the dream comes into view. Dreaming of the best yes yet is the gift of time and space and willingness. In your's let the NO/know where/wear to present your yes. You are a fingerprint of star quality. Let the yes come from the knowing that you are here for a reason, and you bring to this world a gift. Athlete, musician, chef, daycare provider, garbage man, or sailor, and the yes's keep coming. FIND YOUR BeST YES and git' er' done. NO ONE HERE KNOWS BUT you. I am tired of the NO, NO reality we have around here these days. I am looking for those yes, we can , we will and we are, human beings. See you in the barn. WHERE yes is the answer.

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