Monday, January 4, 2016

Re-view to re-veal you to you and us too

The emperor's of earth, and you too, are revealing your new clothes  every where. I loved that story as a kid, still do. Naked and strutting through the streets with a big smile and a fat belly. Thinking only that in his full exposure, he is truly magnificent. And in truth, in his revelation state, he truly is, as reviewed and fully revealed. Take a look, you are re-viewing. How did you do, fully exposed to your memory, your humans, your Creator? Now looking back and checking my time line, I was pretty good. When cued, I took the cue. When sued, I sued back and won. When challenged I ran the guantlet. When changed, I was a little slow. When adored, I was a little fast. Fun how it all looks in review. Take a look now, we are!! All is seen.

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