Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Closing the program

Computers are just a reflection of us. Just like all the other parts of our life here. I use horses to reflect me to me. I do not discount any feature they present. I know there a wide variety of aspects to see and understand. From old Dan to Hawk, the new golden one, I am a part of that reality. I  buck, run off, My computer is the same thing, disconnected, technically goofy, passwords that drive me nuts, and programs that don't shut down. So I get a new computer. I am that way. I do not like cleaning up the little glitches, I just put them in a box and leave them for another day. So in the knowing of that, today is the DAY. The programs that need to shut down - will. My will be done. The reboot, a fresh pair of eye/I's,  now that's what I am talking about. GOT a program to close, go for it. Tomorrow the galactic alignment foretold for millennia begins, and you are here to be a part of the new program. ME TOO closing the old programs.

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