Sunday, January 10, 2016

New Moon Roots in Saturn

Roots matter. They need to be deep and strong to nourish the experience of being alive and strong. When the moon is darkest the roots go down, down, down. Knowing what ROOTS offer is key. I  say DNA is 1/3 of your reality here and roots are just that. Who are you, why and how????? These were questions that I wanted answers to when I was a child. My mother was not forthcoming and it caused me stress as a kid. She taught me  roots to the stars and that was all good but not to my earth father and his roots. That was a lifelong hunt for the truth and after a long time of wondering and searching,  resulted in some peace about dreams and memories and attractions and health for me. Knowing that you are connected is so important for a nourished and stable life here. Kids that are not rooted by a family that is honest and supportive and willing to tell the stories of their lives.... wander and wonder. They will simply create a connection to some other root system that is not hooked up to their first chakra, but will feed and electrify their second one. I call it sex, drugs and rock n roll. Not the music. the wild ride of adrenaline. It is where thiefs, and liars, and secret keepers hang up and grab your kids. It is the life of the homeless, addicted and others discconected from their roots have. They are lonely, so lonely, and stop at nothing to grab an unrooted human as they wander by. This new moon offers structure. Use it, root now, deep and drink in the nourishment that connection provides. Home, career and YES, family are your roots! Learn and live strong. You deserve the strength and love that connection to roots offers.

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