Friday, January 22, 2016

A real PLUTO day

Transformation day, that is the death and rebirth aspect of Pluto. Today is one of those days. Let is transform you, and me too. Look into the i's and eyes of self. See the real you and let yourself see all of you. Are you the way you like other's to be. Are you lovely, generous, funny, gracious, healthy, coordinated, brave, honest, kind,  willing, accountable, just name a few things I like. Get a list.   On the left put what you love and can keep forever, on the right put that which must leave your body, life, relationships, belief systems NOW. Review when complete, then tear it off and burn the past/passed  that must leave you. Less, lack or loss, of anything you adore must go into the flame. The violet fire is here today, the pluto energy or death and rebirth, right here on earth today. USE IT!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Knight/Night with shining armour has returned!

It is the story of old, of tales told, and of the hopes kept alive in the dreams of the believers. That story of the Knight/Night in shining silvery armour has always been the the greatest and my favorite. Now that story, that promise, that prophecy comes true.  Returning to Earth to take her rightful place on the throne, to free those enslaved and imprisoned, and make good the promise never forgotten.
What you may not have known was that she is a GIRL! Silvery moon energy of the great and powerful and merciful feminine aspect of all creation. She is back. Taking her rightful place beside her partner to restore  balance and harmony on earth.  Balancing the scales of a one sided way of life here, delivering the justice long ago abandoned for money and greed and power. I felt her connect to us in a sweep of love and nourishment. I received her with open arms and held her close and whispered, thank you, I knew you would come, I never forgot or gave in or gave up. Today, celebrate her triumphant return to our world. Know this for sure. Mothers do not send their children to war to die, or stick holes in their skin to experiment on them. They keep them from harm and show them the way. Mothers, neither strict nor weak, bring truth and light and the neverending connection that spirit is forever. Mothers nourish, protect, teach and allow their children.  Listen to her now, she has been gone a long time and there is work to be done. She is ready to clean this mess up. And I for one am ready to help.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Mis-takes admitting I was wrong

That is not hard for me, I have made a billion mis-takes and admitted they were in need of a redo. To see those errors, one must feel them first. The hair that goes up on the back of your neck is a cue, the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach is another one. The feeling of fear another. Loss, less, or lack is another way of knowing you are out, not in. The unwillingness to compromise or show compassion is yet another. I am a natural optimist, and negativity especially fierce negativity, is my challenge. I have found it again and again with relationships. I also felt it corporately, religiously, medically, and politically.  I am an enthusiast, spontaneous, generous, and very capable. That can make up for alot of negativity. When the cup is half empty, I just fill it up again and again. MY MISTAKE. I now knowingly and lovingly move away from that half empty cup. It is not nourishing to my life or my soul. Mis-take over. I was wrong I can not fix another's weakness. I must do Su, doing SIOUX. Lesson learned, never too soon! Thank you Creator for the light that guides my eyes, I's. It has been a strong and bright lamp unto my feet.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Closing the program

Computers are just a reflection of us. Just like all the other parts of our life here. I use horses to reflect me to me. I do not discount any feature they present. I know there a wide variety of aspects to see and understand. From old Dan to Hawk, the new golden one, I am a part of that reality. I  buck, run off, My computer is the same thing, disconnected, technically goofy, passwords that drive me nuts, and programs that don't shut down. So I get a new computer. I am that way. I do not like cleaning up the little glitches, I just put them in a box and leave them for another day. So in the knowing of that, today is the DAY. The programs that need to shut down - will. My will be done. The reboot, a fresh pair of eye/I's,  now that's what I am talking about. GOT a program to close, go for it. Tomorrow the galactic alignment foretold for millennia begins, and you are here to be a part of the new program. ME TOO closing the old programs.

The DOOR to personal healing and happiness

That door opens every year for each one of us. It is your birthdate. The breath of you, your spirit, connected to the world of Gaia, Earth, on a particular date, time, at a specific place in a human body. DNA one third of this reality is your family - both sides. Blending that energy with skill and unconditional love can take lifetimes to occur. There was an alignment and you, just you, brought with you the tools of that alignment. It makes each one here, very rare, as no two are the same. Each with a true mission here. Then you stay until your death date, which is also very telling, a story for another page, also worth celebrating. Here in lies  the potential.  A huge potential,a recipe for success if chosen, as each chef adds his special spice to the soup of life on earth making it what you and we become. That soup nourishes this world and it's children. You have 30 days before that annual realignment to cull out the toxic weeds that spice up the garden of your life into something not so tasty. Time now to make the spices you enjoy here delicious and harmonious. As the door to personal healing and happiness opens again on your birthday, you proceed through, clean and clear as the day you were born and you get a fresh pot of soup. In the next 30 days you have a chance to start cooking up the renewed reborn soup of you and your life here. Those spices needed, chosen again for the next year by you, only YOU. Today is the last day of my second 30 days. I will sit quietly and make very sure that I make it through the door again, happy, healthy, loved and loving the adventure for my 59th year. My recipe card is tattered and alot has been scratched off. It is now full of new ideas!  The spices I choose for this year, are lovely, lively, laughing and filled with a vision of unity and healing for us all now. What are putting in your soup, it's your soup and it feeds your family and our family too.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Local, Global or Galactic????

Which are you? In truth we are all ALL. The longer you are here, the more you understand that idea. I love my home, my acreage and my vision of what that offers. That makes me a local. I am a local and I focus on that and am an active and willing part of the sustainability of my town, county, state and  with those who live here in the USA. I am also a visionary for what could be easier and flow better. That makes me a global citizen. The well-care of humans has an impact on the world when those happy, healthy people are there moving from place to place to share and be a part of the solution. I also see the from the Jupiter position of my nature, the galactic connections. I see the alignment and appreciation of the bigger vision of who we are and what we are all doing together as galactic, universal and omnipresent in all things. There comes to Earth now an alignment, actually a realignment. It is huge, check those pyramids in Egypt and watch the planets come into position. This is the TIME we came to be in, every road has led to now, let's make it locally, globally and universally a grand slam! I'm in, are you?

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Grandpa died, Tom Syfko is gone now.

I just loved that guy, Tom Syfko Sr.. He was a real papa and I called him that for 40 years. He sat at the end of the table and held court, which was one of his best attributes. He wasn't perfect, but he was PRESENT! That was the best part of his life here for my family. He would laugh, and tease, and was sometimes outrageous, and never say never. He would help with any project you could think of.  He was an athlete, a fireman and a grandpa to my girls. He stayed for over 90 years. I know men who can't stay for 90 minutes called by other things more important than their own families, sad but true. We need the papas of the world. They deserve our respect and love and gratitude for being there for us in body and in our lives. If you have a papa in your life, tell them how glad and grateful you are for their willingness to be present. It is a gift, a job and sometimes a real burden, and truly the greatest thing a man can do. Godspeed Papa, I love you very much and am grateful I knew you, we will meet again. You were something very special!! Su

Friday, January 15, 2016

Heading north

That white that comes with the hair of the shaman is the NORTH. It is maturity and a peacefulness that only comes with the ages and to the aged. Like good wine, it takes it's time and remains whole and together until the cork is removed. The north of us here, is that exact process too. It is that place of unity, of overseeing a big family, or releasing any regrets. It is that place of playing again, because you learned that working all the time did not fulfill you. You learned that less is more, and love is all there truly is and knowing you are progressing no matter what is true. It is that funny, bright, all seeing aged one, who simply allows you, you. I allow me, then I align with that which makes me smile, and the NORTH of SUSAN, is the apprection that is well and improving and I AM that I AM, still here to see it unfold. I love my little silver hairs, I earned them and will wear that crown of the north like diamonds!!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Mopping up

I used pine for the big mop up. It clears guilt and shame and allows forgiveness. I was looking to forgive my imbalances and it worked. I re-viewed the past 15 years and then with the mop up of pine, I cleared it out. It is the sweetest, cleanest feeling I have had in a very long set of lives. Today give yourself the gift of a clean slate. Take credit now for what you have done. Ask for a pardon for what should not have been true but was. Then in celebration, be grateful that you are here and able to improve your world by improving  and approving of YOUR SELF. This is GOOD STUFF!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

New Moon Roots in Saturn

Roots matter. They need to be deep and strong to nourish the experience of being alive and strong. When the moon is darkest the roots go down, down, down. Knowing what ROOTS offer is key. I  say DNA is 1/3 of your reality here and roots are just that. Who are you, why and how????? These were questions that I wanted answers to when I was a child. My mother was not forthcoming and it caused me stress as a kid. She taught me  roots to the stars and that was all good but not to my earth father and his roots. That was a lifelong hunt for the truth and after a long time of wondering and searching,  resulted in some peace about dreams and memories and attractions and health for me. Knowing that you are connected is so important for a nourished and stable life here. Kids that are not rooted by a family that is honest and supportive and willing to tell the stories of their lives.... wander and wonder. They will simply create a connection to some other root system that is not hooked up to their first chakra, but will feed and electrify their second one. I call it sex, drugs and rock n roll. Not the music. the wild ride of adrenaline. It is where thiefs, and liars, and secret keepers hang up and grab your kids. It is the life of the homeless, addicted and others discconected from their roots have. They are lonely, so lonely, and stop at nothing to grab an unrooted human as they wander by. This new moon offers structure. Use it, root now, deep and drink in the nourishment that connection provides. Home, career and YES, family are your roots! Learn and live strong. You deserve the strength and love that connection to roots offers.

Thursday, January 7, 2016


I dream vividly and remember them clearly. I dream of a world of virtues here. Purity, generosity, temperence, diligence, patience, kindess and reverence are the seven I love and work on daily. How does impact our world? Think about it, choose one and give just one, some effort. Do your due diligence. It will start a landslide of better, happier and healthier here. Let yourself learn the basics and apply them to your life and let's move into healing now. This is a great way to start.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Lost, left behind, lonely, you are on our list to receive a gift

My whole life was a game. I love to play. I remember great games of hide and seek, and tag and dodge ball. They were the foundation of my life's work. I would seek, and I would find. Those well, loved, healthy and happy had no need of me. Those not, embraced my gifts and talents with great anticipation and extraordinary results. That is who I am and what I do. Seems silly to some and annoying to others and yet, those gifts are mine to give. All here bear a gift to give. That is what gifts are for. Not to keep or hoard or hide, just to find the right receiver and give them freely with a big smile and a HEY, THIS IS FOR YOU! I have been handing out gifts for a very long time, and now that I am here and can look back, I think WHAT A GIFT THAT IS!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Don't come easy.....NOT TRUE!

I work with people swimming against the current. They are sick and tired. I ask them why they do that.  They say, that's the way everyone else is going. I say, but you are not them. You are unique, one of a kind, do you even know why you are how you are and what to best use or eat or do to suit you?? They cock their head to the side and say HUH??? Then I explain some of the specifics about them to them. And low and behold, it starts to come easy. I see them, I look at their teeth, their spine, their organs, their meridians, their blood type and their birthdate. I talk about their eating, their sleeping and their work and play. We speak of sun and moon and the seasons too. Then I show them the easy way, the way that fits and goes with the current. When the knowledge and truth sink in and the stress stops and the flow begins, all is well with them and our world again. NICE! I have a cool job, thanks GOD!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Re-view to re-veal you to you and us too

The emperor's of earth, and you too, are revealing your new clothes  every where. I loved that story as a kid, still do. Naked and strutting through the streets with a big smile and a fat belly. Thinking only that in his full exposure, he is truly magnificent. And in truth, in his revelation state, he truly is, as reviewed and fully revealed. Take a look, you are re-viewing. How did you do, fully exposed to your memory, your humans, your Creator? Now looking back and checking my time line, I was pretty good. When cued, I took the cue. When sued, I sued back and won. When challenged I ran the guantlet. When changed, I was a little slow. When adored, I was a little fast. Fun how it all looks in review. Take a look now, we are!! All is seen.

Horse totem

Horse Animal Totem: Travel, Power, Freedom

Horses are symbols of freedom. This totem brings new journeys. It will teach you to ride in new directions and discover your own freedom and power. Horse people are usually friendly and adventurous. If you have a Horse totem, you must ask yourself: "Am I feeling constricted? Do you need to move on or allow others to move on?" Horse will teach you how to ride into new directions to awaken and discover your own freedom and power.
Horse Animal Totem: Travel, Power, Freedom

Horses are symbols of freedom. This totem brings new journeys. It will teach you to ride in new directions and discover your own freedom and power. Horse people are usually friendly and adventurous. If you have a Horse totem, you must ask yourself: "Am I feeling constricted? Do you need to move on or allow others to move on?" Horse will teach you how to ride into new directions to awaken and discover your own freedom and power.
          The four directions and the vision to see which direction to go. Add in the Head up and the Tail down and the system is complete. When you sit bareback up on the horse your tailbone connects and very quickly you become one energetic ball of potential. Horses live as prey so they are very alert and attentive to all energy. They choose to remain in a herd, as community is their strength. There is order there. My alpha makes my herd follow her loving lead and she does not miss a beat. I have taught horse medicine for lifetimes and I love the power that is restored when someone decides they are ready and willing to work on harmony and balance first. Integrating self love with purpose and vision, adding in strength with a fearless spirit of growth and curiousity for the adventure. It is not for the weak of heart, power is a great gift restored now to those ready to embrace it for the highest good of ALL! I am the Angel Hawk of Hawk's Ridge Ranch and I love to share my work with those ready to ride! Dr. Su/Sioux

See ya in the barn!
Horse Animal Totem: Travel, Power, Freedom

Horses are symbols of freedom. This totem brings new journeys. It will teach you to ride in new directions and discover your own freedom and power. Horse people are usually friendly and adventurous. If you have a Horse totem, you must ask yourself: "Am I feeling constricted? Do you need to move on or allow others to move on?" Horse will teach you how to ride into new directions to awaken and discover your own freedom and power.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

I do not babysit...

I never really have or liked to. It seemed like I was doing someone else's job when I did. Although I was paid, it seemed to not be quite enough. I am always happy to care for or about someone or something I love, and that is not baby sitting. That is BEING. There is a really big difference. As a young mom my husband would say that he did not want to babysit our young kids. I would say that is not what we do here, WE PARENT. That is different. At lunch yesterday my friend said there were not enough good present parents out there who really cared about their kids and the burden of babysitting was becoming overwhelming. It was creating humans who let other humans babysit them, bail them out, come to their rescue and the like. Choosing to make someone responsible and paying them off seems to be counterproductive somehow. Kids and adults alike seem to expect it. I was paid off to babysit a grown man once and it was not worth it! Love, presence and caring are not buyable. You simply can not pay enough to have someone love something or someone the way you do. It is magnetic, and it requires YOUR presence. I am asking us all to be present with that and those we love, they are our responsibility and they require our direct contact alot of the time. Kids need to grow up to be adults, not old kids who still need a babysitter. Those babysitters are then called prison guards and health care providers, nursing home stagg and judges and attorneys too. Teach yourself to take care of yourself, then do the same for yours...and we will all benefit.