Monday, January 12, 2015

mirror mirror

What I project is what I get. What I resist shall persist. I learned that a long time ago. I use it a lot. I need to use it all of the time. I have seen a variety of choices that make me strong and happy. I avail them to me often. I love that freewill dynamic. I also know that I have lessons yet to embrace and I attract those ready for ME to embrace at the right time. 2014 was the year of the addict in my world. I learned more about self loathing and self destruction in one fell swoop then I ever imagined existed. It was dramatic. Suicidal on every level. I tried everything I know to allow, align and appreciate with those parts of my life and world that would accept my love. I gave it all I had and then some. What I learned and will use now forever, is that the empty hole of lack of self love is never filled by another. It is the responsibility of the SELF. Love is answer, it was and always will be. Living and loving are a great pairing. Loving, must come first. Teaching our children that love is all there really is, is how we fix this. Look in the mirror at your inner child and love them with all your might, then feed them, play with them and approve of their uniqueness! It .is the foundation for self and healing will come quickly. We deserve this, each and everyone of us. Thank you mirror! Another lesson embraced.

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