Friday, January 23, 2015

chronic inflammation of personalities

Some people have that. They demonstrate it in their responses to things in life. Snap! Quick, hot tempered, even cruel, can just pop out of their mouth. What is in their mouth is one of the keys to healing this. Your food either nourishes and energizes you, or it inflames you. Kids on the spectrum respond instantly to nourishing food, with a calm feeling. I teach that. If you feel grumpy, snap too quickly and yes, act sad. Check your diet closely. Get an Eat right for your blood type
book and follow it perfectly for one month. Also check any other things in your mouth. Silver mercury fillings destroy even good food, root canals can poison you to death, flouride will shut your brain down and  your words, those mighty words, well, they say it all. All that you will become starts in your mouth. You have power over all these choices, use it well.

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