Sunday, January 11, 2015

Horse Handling

That's the job. Really though it is people handing. Horses automatically know what to do. They are in order, very sensitive and always alert and self regulating. If one lays down, like people do, for too long it dies. PERIOD. I have seen people lay around and do nothing and then ask why am I so unhappy. It seems so obvious. Yet, when they are there, in that coma of living half in and half gone, they are dying.  They must know some where inside that is happening. I watch as recovering and retiring people, sit in front of the tv or computer screen and die. They have all this ability and experience and they keep it inside and then die without ever leaving it to another. I can handle horses, they respond with such joy and love and willingness. I choose not to handle humans. They must choose to handle themselves. Depression lifts when you lift. Energy  shifts when you shift. I know there are those who are in a rut, yet if they would just move some, this would find it's way out. Find the sun, take your D3, then breath fresh air,  and eat some single ingredient food. Please just give it a try. YOU will want to do something, I promise. I will be there for those ready to handle the horses this March. I know many would volunteer and it will take some time to train, the HUMANS, not the horses. They already know what to do! I think you do too. So let's do this together, and first YOU move YOU! Sign up for our volunteer horse handler training by calling the HAWC at 715-426-7350. We are looking forward to an awesome season of healing in the barn!

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