Saturday, November 17, 2012

To see the shift is to look only for the light now

Turn away from the dark, the sad, the angry and the choices that promote that. Look for the little glimmers of the light in the eyes of the friendly faces of those that surround you. We have given in long enough to the issues that create pain and suffering and the belief that there is any time or space for such foolishness. Smile, laugh, share, sing and dance your way into the new age of light. Find the fun and inspiring things and people and focus on them and that. You choose your own reality, you always have, but were not taught that. It was very disempowering to think that anyone but you was in charge. You are a direct imation of the higher light energy embodied in earthen structure - it is your vehicle and your body and life respond to your every thought, word and deed. No one but you chooses! Choose light and life and love and laughter! It is way more betterer!!!!

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