Monday, November 26, 2012

love and light - choices made to remain healthy

You are the only master of you, the source of your energy and longevity is within you. The structure of your reality and the way you play with it yours too. There are those among us who would have believe that you are a pawn, or a sheep or even a slave, but in reality you are a free will soul, choosing daily free will choices. Giving in to the controls that media and food and drugs and other things have over you is another choice. Find the light within and add to it , choose the people and places and things that make you smile and feel optimistic. Walk away from or turn off that which leaves you dark or lonely or sad or even angry or afraid. There is nothing to fear, you are loved and being helped by angels and et's that have our ascension and expanded consciousness as their primary goal here! Say your prayer of protection to Michael and move about freely, he is the guardian of this world and those who seek his protection have it.

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