Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Stop paying

I hear the complaints of the many who say we need to stop this or stop that. I know the only way to stop anything is to simply stop talking about it, stop going there, stop paying for it or to it. Fire the ones you are sad at by simply not showing up any more. If your caregiver is a jerk who doesn't listen to you, walk out and don't go back. Anyone or anything that leaves you feeling less, or loss, or sick, or broke deserves to be deserted. MInisters do this and so do politicians, take your money and return guilt and shame to you for not doing or giving enough. You have tons of power and control, so much more then you think you do. Sit still for a moment and feel the link to each other who also see and believe the same things you do. Hook up with them, pay them, get their advice. If someone helps you to feel better, look better, sleep better, keep them in your sights by supporting them. Money talks, use yours as the voice it is! Speak loud and clear!

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