Thursday, May 6, 2010

true forgiveness now

so where do we begin with list of those needing our forgiveness? right with yourself.
i knowingly or unknowingly in my consciousness on some level in some dimension agreed to all aspects of my life's journey. wow, who'd a thunk that!!

so as i move forward i share this tidbit with you all, forgive yourself. the law of attraction is real and the lessons attracted are needed and called in. finished with that junk? so be it.

crisis no more, accountability, every day in every way. live, laugh and love all the stuff of your world, your body, your friends and family, your work, your abilities, and whatever else you desire, then let go of the rest. walk on, peacefully submit yourself to love, in and for all things without judgement or even opinion.

then celebrate, for it truly is a new day!!

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