Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bitter / sweet

I always liked that, strawberry rhubarb or key lime pie, I always love the bitter with the sweet. Today as I thought about that I realized that is a very large part of life here. Always the bitter with the sweet. I have seen the bitter take over and the sweetness forgotten in many lives, it truly ruins so much. People get jealous, people don't like change, people look backwards instead of forward. He did that to me, she said that to me, I'll be mean spirited to them now and really show them my pain. What I know for sure is that if you celebrate the sweetness of the moment, there is always and I mean always a silver lining. Even though you lost the game, you still got a tan, or even though it's harder or more then I thought at least I know I'm capable and now willing to give it a go. Today take the bitter and add the sweet, if it is hard to do, try harder. I told my friend Joe last week, unless it's a broken neck, don't give it another thought all things are fixable and the sweetness comes in the challenge of hope and faith. Here's to a life worth living and taking the bitter with the sweet and celebrating the whole enchilada!!
Namaste' Dr. Su

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