Monday, May 10, 2010


Yup, we are, so so fragile. I know that is why I so love to work with kids, they are so so fragile and respond so so quickly to being handled with care!!

Adults on the other hand are trickier. They don't even handle their own lives with care, therefore they can not handle another's with care either. So many people experiencing the drama here are dragging others into it with them. Not caring about how truly fragile each soul is. What do you do in front of your kids? What do you do in front of your family? What do you in front of strangers? Do you respect their fragile natures? The media exploits our fragility with horrifying pictures and words that do so much harm. Terror is the name of the game in many cases. It's why I stopped reading the paper and watching any news at all. I have a hard time recovering from the pain and conflict that is inflicted on me when I subject myself and my fragile nature to those things.

Today treat yourself with care, as if you are truly crystal. Eat, speak and do only that which keeps you safe, thereby creating safety around yourself for others. It is the best way to help the world and all it's fragile natures.

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