Friday, March 26, 2021

Time out is over now

2020 gave us a global time out. WHO knew that was possible? As the 2021 gets her footing, we survivors of the time out must get back in the game. I have watched from the sidelines for awhile. I still wrote, I still did some work, and I still wanted to play. NOW I am getting the urge to work with this new world's vision of life here. Some things have passed/past. Many things are soon to be delivered. Humanity has choices to make. The old faith is fading, the new faith in self, the earth, the over lighting of the Universe, and one another is taking the place it deserves. Yesterday I was grateful, I told those close to my life, thank you. I am proud of the commitment and joy it brings. It lifts my spirit. Ready to get your sneakers on? Or in my case, my BOOTS. The new earth awaits those awakened and excited to get with it. See you in the sooner, not later. WE ARE READY!


Stanley said...

Perhaps you understand. Happiness is not a possession So then what is it?

Dr. Su said...

a precious and rare gem, needed to be cherished for the light and color it radiates.