Sunday, March 7, 2021


So much is coming to an end now. Less, lack and loss are being understood as choices, not inevitable just chosen by each adult. To get to the end with a grateful heart for the lessons learned, opens the doors for the next level of evolution to be at that higher level of understanding. If you took more than you gave, you will start low with the loss. If you said more than you heard, you will learn to listen as no one will hear/here you until you do. If you used the ending to get in a last lick of some sort, you will start at that whiplash of the effect all words carry. SO AT THE END OF THE DAY, HIT YOUR KNEES WITH SWEET RELIEF THAT IS OVER FOR THAT DAY. No matter what you did, release it. Then under the light of the moon, the feminine, the sleep of angels, you heal again. NOTHING less will do. We deserve to end things that do not raise us up. SAY NO to things that keep you awake and let's heal and move forward to all that we love and cherish and want to wake up to. WAKE UP WORLD> it is your turn to be the light.


Stanley said...

Is it okay to accept the pain but not that you deserve it?

Dr. Su said...

All is earned here, keep the valuable part and let the rest - REST