Friday, June 19, 2020

Time to stand UP!

Compliance? It has been tested as you have been told. The question remains...who is telling you what and why are they saying that? This is the time to stand up, take a very deep breath, hold your ground, take a good look around, and then FEEL what is true and right for YOU. I use Applied Kinesiology, I use a pendulum, I use dowsing rods, and I use the skin and it's sensations to tell me what is right for me. I do not pretend to know your right from your left or even your perceived wrong. I just know mine. It comes with the glory of light, laughter and love. It comes in the form of good sleep, happy thoughts, great health, bright eyes and a willing spirit. It comes with NO judgement. It comes on the back of a beautiful horse, keeping me steady and strong, giving me a vision above the crowds. Join us for the time of standing up for your loves, your truths, your world is depending on your non-compliance to anything less.Namaste!

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