Sunday, June 14, 2020

Defining the SACRED...

: entitled to reverence and respect. To decide what is sacred IS YOURS TO DEFINE. For some it is money, beauty, prestige, to others spiritual or religious, then to others political or legal. To me it is LIFE. The breath and the words shared are the most sacred offering I know. I read, I listen, I remember. When it produces a smile, a laugh, a song, I know it is sacred. Nature is that to me, her songs and her stories alive. I live where my land and my animals are sacred beings, cherished here, telling their stories in nickers and barks and chirps and meows. I live in a world where what goes on OUT THERE, commonly does not go on around here. All the animals get along, and have a friendship to each other, wild or tame. I live with fairies and angels, and the devas of the earth. I live with unicorns and gypsies, fortunes are told and gifts are shared. That is my sacred mountain. What defines yours?

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