Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Looking into the flame

Summer Sun, the soul flame of the season, offers extra day and extra light. You are given a chance to look up and into the flame of the days where it is time to make hay. That's what the farmers say when they know they need to get to work. Humanity should take the hint. It is time to get to work. Show up, pay up, clean up and let the world know you are available. IT IS TIME! Hearing the squawks of discontent is not going to help. Neither is squawking. Turn off the noise, turn up the music and the poetry and the stories of the legends that inspire you. Have them over for a fire, have them in your life. Your grandparents have a tale to tell, ask them. Your world was once theirs, and how you handle it is genetically telegraphed to you. Do you like that way? If not, ask them why they share it with you, consciously or unconsciously. Religion, politics, mannerisms, vocabulary, knee jerk reactions instead of thoughtful responses. All passed down to you from them. I had to go back farther, my family was not available. To the Universe I said, give me a reason for being ME. And they did. YOU too can do that. Decide in the LIGHT of the sun, the flame, the light of you, who you want to be now. It is a choice, every single day. The flame of summer is here, go out and dance in it!

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