Thursday, June 4, 2020

How the INNOCENTS perceive energy

Who are the INNOCENTS? Children, animals and nature are that deserving group called INNOCENTS. It is in my job description to protect them. I do that in my work and with my whole heart. I see what they see. ENERGY is visible, it is measurable and it can be menacing to an INNOCENT. It is the job of those with loving authority to protect those who are in that frame of reality. Children outgrow it, nature and her animals do not. They will react and respond all the time to energy. Runners, biters, mangy, and short lived are what they become uncared for and unprotected. The menaced, become menacing. See what is in your realm from the time you were INNOCENT that needs your attention. Do not deny the love and nourishment needed to thrive, for in denying any of this, you deny a part of your own energy. Love creates, fear destroys. If you are afraid of any of nature then learn about it, and give it some of your attention. In the perceiving of HOW they are you will learn tons about your own divine design. You were INNOCENT once, awhile back. Now become the one protects our innocent world and her innocent children, it will give you a long loving and prosperous life.

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